Wild Bread

Welcome to my photography journal of bread found discarded in public.

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About Wild Bread

Wild Bread is a photography journal of bread found discarded in public. All photos are authentic compositions of bread of unknown origin. The Wild Bread project began with a series of photos in 2019 taken on the simple observation of how much bread I could find while going about my day in the city, and had no greater purpose to it. Photographs are presented with minimal description, encouraging viewers to make their own artistic analysis and social commentary and draw their own understanding about the wastage or consumption, the fleetingness or abundance, and the significance or meaninglessness of bread without destiny.

About Wildbread.pictures

In its original form, Wild Bread was an exploration on the meaningless of social media content. Prior to 2023 many of these pictures were originally posted to the dying facebook.com, forming a nonsense blog entertaining my own sense of humor as I try to understand the purpose of internet and social media in my life. The Wild Bread blog has developed its own cult following amongst even my most distant online friends. Wild Bread is now hosted by neocities, a old web revival project with hundreds of thousands of members. You can view the profile site for Wild bread and follow here.. Since migrating away, I have found a renewed sense of joy and passion in the internet and this strange photography hobby as a whole. I hope visitors can enjoy this strange blog, and look through this window into my own hyperfixation on the queer objects in my surroundings.
What else is the internet for but posting pictures of discarded street bread?

About the Author

Indynet Webring


Hi, my name is Indy/Indigo. My reputation has been genuinely preceding me digitally and real life as 'The bread girl', which is fine too I guess. I have a personal site on neocities as well. Other artists featured here are friends and acquaintances that have sent me their own bread they have discovered. I encourage anyone to take photos of bread they find for their own enjoyment. I would love to create a community space where people can share their bread photos, or a means where I can be sent photos of bread that you find, though none such method exists currently.

John Wilson and Nathan Fielder exploring Wild Bread photography.